Introduction: What is biodiversity and why is it
important? Although there are numerous definitions for
biodiversity provided by many authors, upon review of them it becomes
apparent that each of them is framed around a number of common concepts. These key concepts can be summarized as follows:
Biodiversity is a measure of the number of different species and
individuals found within a given habitat, is related to the number of
habitats found within a geographic area, involves the interaction
between species in a given habitat and looks at the genetic variation
within individuals of a single species. The importance of genetic
variation cannot be over stressed. The "variation within and between
populations of species has a profound affect on their physical
characteristics, viability, productivity, resilience to stress, and
adaptability to change (Keystone Center)." This in turn
determines whether they decline or prosper when change occurs. The
changes which can effect a specific species and the ecosystem are
perhaps typified by the habitat destruction due to human activities.
However there is hope as humans have the power to preserve habitat and
allow for the continued existence of many species.
Alberta's Habitats:
Alberta is a biologically diverse province with numerous habitats and
ecosystems. These habitats include a wide range of biomes
including: prairie, mountains, wetlands, forests and riparian. Within
each of these habitats exists an inter-related web of insect life
that is crucial to the well being of all of the inhabitants. They range
from parasitic wasps that control caterpillar populations to dung
beetles which help in the breakdown of ungulate manure.
Tracking Species Encountered:
Constructing lists of the various insect species encountered over a
period of time in a specific area provides a picture of how habitats are
changing and how individual species are adapting to this change.
It can also provide information on the life cycle of each insect
species. Many insects species have high and low peaks in their
populations which are controlled by a number of factors including but
not limited to: climate, density of food plants or prey and predator and
parasite populations. These increases and decreases in populations
can be localized in there geographic extent or quite wide spread.
In some cases huge populations of a particular insect can migrate into
Alberta due to favourable conditions to the south.