Northern Bluet

Location: Calgary, AB
Date: June 29, 2007

       Photo 4

Common Name:  Northern Bluet

Latin Name:  Enallagma annexum Hagen, 1861
     (R. Bercha, det.)

Length:  32 mm

Range: Throughout Alberta

Habitat:  Marshes, ponds, lakes

Time of year seen:  May to August (Additional Sightings)

Diet: Insects

Other:  The Northern Bluet is a widespread and common species in Alberta.  Large concentrations maybe present.  Look for it around marshes, ponds and lakes.  It generally avoids saline and acid water, hence it will not be found in peat lands or alkaline ponds or lakes.  It emerges slightly later then the very similar Boreal Bluet, with the flight period starting in mid-May and ending by mid-August. (Acorn, 2004). 


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